So many Jane Doe...

There are plenty of Jane Doe, it's amazing how many people are missing and have yet to be identified. It really breaks my heart because what if the shoe were on the other foot and it were you who's family member or friend went missing or killed and you couldn't locate him or her, you'd feel really overwhelmed on where to start to help locate this person and you'd feel very helpless and very lost, depressed, etc. I am intrigued in these because you never know if you've seen these missing people before and just don't know/remember; they could've passed you while walking on the streets, buses, planes, cars, etc and you never saw them or wasn't sure if it were them who you saw that matched the flyer you saw earlier...

I want to help out to find someone who is missing but I don't know where to start so I post blog posts and help spread the word, pictures, etc about these people who are missing or murdered.
